This is me.
Yes, I am colour blind.
I love seeing life through a lens and capturing the things I see. My passion for photography stems from my passion for diving.
Starting out as a young recreational diver with no real career in mind, I managed to stumble my way to becoming a full-time dive professional.
Telling friends and family about what I had seen wasn't enough, I wanted to show them. And so, being able to showcase the underwater world in the most beautiful way I can became my goal.
I have since fallen into the whirlpool that is photography, I've become obsessed.
Along my way I have developed a love for wildlife photography. It's peaceful, watching and waiting for the right moment, for the bird to land on the perfect branch, for it to get just that little bit closer.
Naturally my passion for motor vehicles has become a subject of my photography, it was just a matter of when, not if. The atmosphere, the sound, the smell, the speed, all come together to create an unforgettable experience. Cars provide the ability to play with shapes, reflections, lighting and settings to create the desired ‘feel’.
Photography isn't something you learn once, it is a rollercoaster of personal development, experimentation and experiences. Sometimes it works out great and sometimes it's a disaster.
Photography is a journey and I invite you to follow me on mine.
-Lukasz Halbryt